Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Church blog

I think I forgot to post a link to Tres' last church blog, and here is my latest one as well!



A visit from Alex!

What a wonderful surprise it was to get a text from Alex about 2 weeks ago telling me he was going to be in Austin for a few days!!  So, last week he showed up!

He came because a group called Tuesday's Children was in town working with Habitat for Humanity.  Tuesday's Children is one of the last remaining 9/11 groups, focused on working with the children of 9/11.  He got to know them while working on the movie.

One of the days I was able to go and work with them too!  It was so awesome to get to meet them all and work with them for a day.

Here are some pics from it!

Alex with two of the ladies who run Tuesday's Children

We did get to spend some time at home too!  Alex got to spend some time with Lily, our niece.  She loved him! 

kick, kick, kick!  ha!

Dropping him off at the airport.  A short, but wonderful visit!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Lily Higgins

My friend Melissa has a daughter, Lily.  Lily, at 7,  sustained a brain injury last year when she choked on a cough drop.  Her 10 year old brother saved her life by performing the Heimlich Maneuver.  A hero for sure.

Lily's recovery has been slow and long.  But she is making baby steps all the time!

This is her website where you can read more information and if you're interested to help support the family.  The biggest thing they need is prayer.  Prayer for Lily to continue healing and improving and for Melissa and Todd and Bryce as they live day to day with this new life that they have.


Church Blog- A Post by Tres

Our church has just started a new devotional style blog.  I thought you, as our readers, would be interested to see what Tres and I post.

So here is Tres' first post!  Mine will go up on Friday.  Enjoy!  I love the way my husband writes.  :)